Recently, someone said 'tell me something about you.' I was honestly stuck for ages trying to think of things that make me, well,
me. This is my list as of this moment.
I'm 5 foot tall, which is rather small for a 20 year old.
I'm scared of springs, up to the point where I almost cry if I touch one.
I don't believe in something unless it's proven to me. Ghosts included.
I don't care about my sock pairs. I wear odd ones every day.
I'm a spelling Nazi. Spell it right or not at all.
Yet, somehow I fail miserably at grammar.
I was born on 6th of the 6th, at 6 minutes past 6 on the 6th day of the week.
Safe to say, 6 is my lucky number.
I swear too much, except when around my grandparents.
When someone affects my life, I find it hard to let them walk out of it.
When I left college, I hated the idea of going to university.
My motivation was that I hated too many people in Scarborough.
I didn't care where I went and I changed my choices three times.
I got very lucky with Hallam.
I'm a student rep, which I actually love. It makes me look good.
If people name a band I've not heard of, I always nod and agree anyway.
I still don't know what I want to do with my life.
When I was little, I used to sulk at the bottom of the stairs.
I've only had one operation in my life, which was on my mouth.
I had a drain put in my neck and my back teeth taken out.
I have a small scar just underneath my jaw bone.
The only physical feature about myself I like is my eyes.
I have six tattoos, three of which are birds.
When Im bored, I empty my drawers out and refold all my clothes.
My nickname at school was Lemo, due to being a self confessed emo.
Music makes me feel less lonely.
I get jealous of people who remind me of myself.
Oh, and at one point in my life...
I thought it was acceptable to wear a Gareth Gates tshirt. I'm not proud.