Friday, 22 June 2012

Slam Dunk 2012.

Last month, I went to Leeds University for the fourth time in a row to Slam Dunk Festival. I love the atmosphere, the various stages and of course, the alcohol. Usually it's just me and one other person but I went with my wonderful future housemates this year and thought I'd share my snapshots of the day. 

Here is me and Charmander, in line to meet Funeral For A Friend doing our metal faces.

And here is me with Matt Davies, FFAF singer. He was so lovely and Welsh, obviously.

After that, we had a pint (which was really quite expensive!) and went to catch the end of Say Anything. I used to love them when I was in school and managed to catch the two songs I liked best, which everyone else also seemed to love. Great band and great set.

It was then time for Funeral For A Friend, who despite having lost their drummer a week before, were still incredible. They knew what songs would work the crowd and 'Roses For The Dead' definately sent everyone jumping. I managed to worm my way to the barrier, ready for...

The Blackout. Three letters. OMG. They came barging out and did a big FUCK YOU to the entire crowd, evidently completely drunk from their day of festival fun. Sean Smith ended up humping a monitor sexually as well as admitting he'd rather be wanking at the back of the room than on stage. Gavin Butler climbed on top of an 8 foot stacked speaker system and rocked it, making every security guard run to catch him in fear. Their entire set was flawless and they were brilliant. Top marks from Merthyr.

 After that, we went to get some well needed liquids and worked our way back into the room to see Taking Back Sunday, the head liners and the one band I was so excited about. However, I don't know whether they were having an off day or whether that's their game, but they were absolutely dire. Adam Lazzarra didn't sing a single word in time or key, with the guitarists desperately trying to sing to keep the crowd going. Although I knew every word I feel like I couldn't even enjoy myself and half way through was simply too aware I was stood in a sweaty room with a band who completely disappointed me. I still left feeling amazing, with my friends and glad I went. But I haven't forgetten TBS and how much they let me down. If I ever have a chance to be proven wrong, I hope they do.

Thursday, 14 June 2012


It may surprise you to know that I recently turned 20. Yes I know. I've already cried at my old age. But as a treat, I decided to jaunt to The West End with my wonderful Nana for the weekend. These are my snaps from such occasion. It was the most fun I've had in a long time.

We travelled down to London early Saturday morning and after getting dropped off and changed at the hotel, headed out for some grub. We wandered around Shaftesbury Avenue for a while, till we found Soho and the infamous Windmill. Opposite was a quiant little pub, which served this cracker. It was incredible and I scoffed the whole thing. Yummm.

We then went to see this.It was magnificent. Each actor was so flawless and the set was ingeniously simplistic. Jean Valjean is also  my new ideal man, with his manly ruggedness and heroic nature. He even has a beard. Yes indeed.

The next morning, I acted like the perfect little tourist and went on a walk all around central London. Here's me at Hyde Park. Note: visible is the hole in my tights that my Nana commented on all weekend. Student wage, student clothes. Sorry Nana.

Number 6 constantly surrounds my life and this is another reason. It was a random photo I didn't mean to take. But voila, there it is, on my bus. Freaky.

The flags on every street from the Jubilee made the entire city look so beautiful. For once, I felt patriotic.

Here's me instructing my Nana how to zoom in on my camera sat at Trafalgar Square. Hence the facial expression. Still find this photo really rather quirky. Plus my feet look tiny.

 And here she is, the shining lady that is my Nana. I caught her by surprise, but don't we look good.

 She took me to Covent Garden and said I'd like it. I fell head over heels in love. What an amazing place to be. The atmosphere, performers, even the little market stalls hosting tiny hand made charms and scarves were so unique. We spent most of the morning there, and I'd give anything to go back.

Can't have a tinydotteapot blog without some teapots. This was the shop window of Tea Palace London in Covent Gardens. Decided upon leaving that I now know what my back up dream job should be.

Coming back, I felt really quite sad. I had such fun but two days just wasn't long enough. I loved being in Theatre Land and even had a little day dream that I'd be in those buildings one day, doing what I love the most. I'm 21 in exactly 357 days and watch out London, because I'm coming for you. And I'm bringing friends.

Friday, 1 June 2012


Second student film, shot in 15 minutes, which was an experience to say the least. One of my best friends Nathaniel McCartney stars in it too, and the story is based around a script taken from another film, but adapted. The speech states about unrequited love from the man to the girl, who doesn't feel the same. Petrol is poured over her and a match is lighted. It's all over intense.


This was the very first student film I did. It was filmed entirely in one day, at various locations around Sheffield. One being a very creepy garage which the owner used to take suicide photography. (Yes, I know!) It was so much fun to do, surprisingly, and a definate eye opener with screen work. The basic plot line is my character, a jogger, gets kidnapped by a pig masked killer and taken to his hide away, in which he takes another character's eye out. She escapes but is then strangled by her fellow escapee. Lots of fun!