Sunday, 30 December 2012

A New Year..

Many people have been commenting on social networking sites how they thought 2012 was for them. "Here's hoping 2013 is better." "Ive loved this year." "I hate everything." etc. etc. I could have easily written something like this, instead I decided in my usual fashion, to make a list of those moments I've particularly loved and the memories I hold alongside them. So, here goes...

1. The Fringe
Yes, January marked a change in me. My fringe, cut by my lovely friend Laura. It is now somewhat famous amongst friends, mostly because I cut it myself and it becomes extremely wonky depending on what part of the month you meet me on. And although my hair has changed over the past year, from various bandanas to the most epic of beehives, I finally feel like I'm coming out of my shell and not caring how I look to others.

2. My Truck Adventure
February was a nice month. I'd finished my first semester and gone back home for almost a month to chill with the family and friends I'd missed so much. Then my dad randomly called and asked if I'd accompany him to Scotland in his lorry. Er, YES. It was so much fun and I learnt more about my dad in those two days than in the month I spent at home. Plus, I saw Scotland for the first time. Even if I was only there a grand total of four hours. And had my very first McDonalds breakfast. It was beautiful before you wonder. Last month he won Company Driver of the Year  and my pride grew even more. Thought Id celebrate it with some lorry cufflinks, I'm the best daughter. I'm very grateful and honoured to call him Daddy.

3. Gigs
Skrillex, Slam Dunk (AGAIN, I know) We Are The Ocean, Benjamin Francis Leftwich, Tramlines. Highlights include BFL unplugging for his encore and bringing me to tears, FFAF at SD showing the newbies how it's done, Skrillex crushing my ribs against the barrier for 3 hours and getting a perfectly timed "Take your top off!" at the end of WATO's set. I met a few famous folk, including a chat with Alfie from WATO and Matt from FFAF. I got drunk at some, probably lost a tooth at a few (Skrillex, I blame you) and most definitely had fun at all of them. Even if Gavin from The Blackout sprayed wee on me from a gun.

4. First Year Done
A First and 5 2:1s. Need I say more? Very happy my hard work paid off.

5. Duck Stranglers
I could quack on for hours about this. Sorry I had to! But I shall simply only say this. It still remains the most proudest achievement in my acting career, meeting a playwright whose plays I've been performing since I was 14 and two of the most welcoming and talented actors in the industry. I feel very privileged to have been a part of it all. My script, although withered and tatty still stands proud on my desk. Who knows, next year it could be Fringe.

6. My 20th
The bright lights of London with my wonderful Nana, seeing Les Miserables and crying five times, eating the best sandwich of my life, falling in love with Covert Gardens and seeing my 20th birthday in with a shout out from the nightclub DJ, and a family meal to celebrate how awesome I am. 

7. Liam
After almost 21 years of being on this earth, I've never met someone as kind, generous, caring and loving. And handsome, especially because he's ginger. And a cockney. I could be soppy, but I won't embarrass him. I think we shall be the faces of Twitter one day, showing love can happen in the most silliest of places. For the record, I followed him. If he ever reads this, then I just want him to know how thankful I am for all he's done, and continues to do. I feel lucky every day, and love him with all my heart. Still got my fingers crossed he's gonna look like Ray Winstone when he's older, I'd quite like that. Mhmm.

8. The Olympics 
I'll be honest, the days leading up to the Olympics, I really couldn't care. For 8 years it had been forced down everyone's throats and I'd had enough. I'm not even sporty. But on opening ceremony night, just before I set off for another shift at the nightclub, I sat down and watched Danny Boyle's show. And cried about 5 times. Kenneth Branagh, Nurses, Dancers, Fire, Bond and of course, The Athletes. Watching them walk out, dressed in gold waving that flag to Bowie, god it hit me right there. I was instantly converted and patriotic henceforth for the rest of the games. Living in the same city as Jessica Ennis was unreal, the pride people had for those athletes and witnessing so many golds being won. It was incredible and it was Britain that did it. Top notch!

9. 121 Pomona Street
Faceplant Abi, who tactically faints to avoid leaf clear up. Joe, the handsome geek who'd make a great Batman, Nat, the Hobbit enthusiast who likes a good bang on the drum kit and Charmaine, the vegan who loves to spread the word of Jesus, "whose a mint guy basically." What can I say? I knew we'd have a bumpy ride but I feel amazing coming back home to find you guys there, smiling and laughing. You are four of the greatest friends I've had and I'm grateful to live with you. Here's to another year at My My My Pomona!

10. Job(s)
From a 90's crew member at Babylon nightclub to bar staff at The Botanical student pub. I'm still pulling pints for the folks of Sheffield and still being miserable on Saturdays. (Try serving a drunk Sheffield builder whilst he calls you sugar tits.) But it's not all doom and gloom, everyone I've worked with has been so crazy and wonderful in their own right. Plus, both jobs seemed to have been within five minutes walk from my house/halls. Im not lazy, I swear. And many more McDonalds breakfasts were consumed.  90s gang, I miss you. Botan clan, I know you love me secretly.

11. Performances
Playing With Sharks short film. Inamorata devised piece. Madame Bishboshka comedy routine. Richard Schechner lecture demonstration. I've been a busy bee and worked with a whole host of very talented people. All have been amazing achievements and I'm proud to have been in them all. Although I do think the cheesey dance number in Inamorata tops it off. Nothing quite like shaking your bum at half your year whilst pretending to be a prostitute and winking at your lecturers. Hey ho here she goes!

12. Christmas (Of Course!)
And finally, we're back to present day. I've had a crazy/wonderful/hectic/incredible year. Some moments haven't been so fun, but I'm not dwelling on them. Looking back at where I was at this point in 2011 definately proves to the pessimistic side of me that miracles can happen and I can be happy. And I will be. Watch this space : 2013. I turn 21, fly off on holiday, end another year at Hallam and begin thinking long and hard about my career. Oo eer. And so, I wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope  you have a good one!

PS. My resolution, in case you didn't guess, is to make lists.