Saturday, 2 March 2013

Self Letter from the End of the World.

21st December 2012

Dear Leah,
The world was supposed to end today, about two hours ago. Like others, you shrugged it off. Of course it was utter bullshit, but a tiny part of you wanted the excitement. And so,you sat, watching the news with Joe and Nat, your housemates, and waited. You  text your boyfriend declaring how much you love him. And when the clock turned to 11.11 you did nothing. And just like everything else, it was false. You’re still here. Well done. Unfortunately, so are those crappy people in the world. Like Ian Watkins. He’s been done for child sex offences this week. Remember that?

Right now, you’re exactly half way through your degree at Sheffield Hallam. You’ve just finished your first semester of your second term and you’re feeling confident. Actor Training was the best module for you, Nee Sa Nee Sa and all that jazz. Comedy was a rip roaring achievement. You were so bad at the start but you more than turned it around and gained people’s respect. And devised.. well.. I’m sure you more than remember the negatives, but you’re still proud. This time next year will be your dissertation and then your final show. This time in two years you’ll have worn the gown, stood next to your friends and graduated with pride. I hope you enjoy that moment immensely.

Your degree is something you are very proud of, but you still don’t quite know what kind of life you’re going to lead. Well right now, you want to be a teacher. You love acting and the thrills it holds, but you know you’re not strong enough to deal with the harsh realities of the industry, instead you want to show others how much fun it can be. Teach the youth of tomorrow. And maybe add on the growing generation with a family of your own. Right now, you’re at the very beginning of that and you’re very excited indeed. Keep at it and fight for your place, because you deserve to be there.

Then there’s Liam. Your love experiences being at university have been very few, after falling from an extreme height after the break up with Lee. Reading back on that letter you found has made your mind at ease and helped you realise you are better than you think. Pick yourself up and smile. You’re very lucky. You have someone, who is kind and caring. He knows you deep down. All your flaws. And yet he still loves you. With him, life is never boring and your future seems endless. And he is prepared to stand by and wait for you to know your direction before forcing you into one. You never have to lie to him. Not even about giving the cheese board away. I'm sure he will laugh. Last night, you had the most heart warming and wonderful house Christmas with him and all of 121 Pomona. It reassured you life can be fun. Don't let him go, because right now, you are the happiest you've been since the beginnings of Vince. And we both know that was very hard to beat.

Your friends. Those in Sheffield. Charmaine, Abi, Joe, Nat. Your house mates. What saints they are. Enjoy living with them because in two years, youll be waving bye and not knowing when youre going to see them again. Char is your rock, your second in command. Be nice to her, she is gentle and loving. And she will always be there. And don’t forget your friends at home, Laura, Chelsea, Kim. Your three amigos. You are not alone if you have them. You know that though, but don’t take advantage.

Finally, your family. How caring they are. Your nana who rings you every week. How lovely she is. Take care of her, forever is not an option. Your parents, who have never been happier. Driver of the Year Dad and degree taking Nurse Mum. Youre very proud. Let them know. Paul, who just may be walking before youre 21. An insane achievement. And Danielle. She may be naughty, but she tries hard and means well. Be a proper sister to her.

Keep smiling, and love yourself.
I hope youre happy.