Due to my university modules, a subject recently came to my mind which I feel needs addressing in the correct manner. I'll explain... In March, I was given an assignment from a film module in which I had to discuss how a certain film would have been received by a specific audience type. For example, how black people may have taken offence to the 'N' word being used in a film compared to white people blah blah blah. Anyway, being the hopeless romantic I am, I chose Brokeback Mountain and focused on men and women. Instead, my mind was enlightened even more to the subjects of religion, homophobia and disapproving society. Also with gay marriage being passed in the House of Commons recently, this is being discussed more and more and I'd simply like to express my opinions on it.
Firstly, if you are by any way homophobic or extremely religious and disagree with what I'm about to say, frankly I don't care. Your opinion doesn't matter to me in the slightest. Surely your mind should be open to others thoughts, feelings and emotions and not those which have been drilled into you. But I shall not say what I would like to on that. This is a nice blog after all. The simply fact of the matter is this... I can not nor will I ever understand why people have a negative opinion on the gay community. I know I know, you could say I'm biased. My dearest and most beloved house mate/ best friend / secret crush is gay. So is another of my house mates. So is one of my lecturers. In fact, I know many gay people. But being around them has made me understand it more, not hate it. What they have taught me and allowed me to understand is something I hope to teach my children. Homophobia should be placed in the same box as racism. Judging a person on one specific trait about them. Whether that's the colour of their skin, their ethnicity or their sexuality. Everyone in this world is an individual who has their own choices in life. If a man decides to love another man, then so be it. Why are you bothered? Why do you care if two women, girls, men, teenage boys or even the eldery love someone who is the same gender as themselves? Does it affect your life? Does it stop you breathing? Or raising a family? Or having a job? Or living your dreams? No. So why do you have such high negative opinions on them.
Here is an example. On my Facebook only last week someone I knew, not very well, but I still shared classes with her, posted on the site that she believed in the "correct view of God." This being that men and women should be married and homophobia is in a sin. She said "share if you agree, like me." She promptly got attacked, not only by those who were gay but by open minded people who told her in the nicest way, to open her eyes. I say the same. Was this girl ever concious of how she appeared by posting such a thing? She might have well have got "I LOVE HITLER" on her head and screamed at every Jewish person down the street. Because to me, that is the same thing.
Researching into Brokeback Mountain, I found reviews which made my blood boil. Christian film sites who suggested that the lead character was gay because he didn't have a father. Or that they never became an open couple because society convinced them to do the "right thing" which in the film's case meant hiding their love for each other, breaking their own hearts in the process. The simple passion and love felt between the two men in this film is compelling and only the most soul less person on Earth wouldn't feel something. That being said, those whose opinions were negative could only focus on the fact it was "man love." This made me loose a lot of faith in humanity. However, one comment from a gay friend, who stated that the film made him believe he could love another man without fear of being alone, lifted my heart. As did my lesbian best friend's comment on the gay marriage laws. "I'd just want to marry my true love in a church." It melts your heart. Even those who think it's wrong. Who are you to deny my best friend of happiness? And the best part is.. She's a Christian. That's right. The ones who call her sinful, who according to their laws means she will go to Hell, that repentance is needed. All she wants is to get married.
And so I say this.. Marriage for all or marriage for NONE. It should be about love, commitment and happiness. Not if you both have the same anatomy between your legs. No human being on this planet has the right to take away another's ability to love. What did the hippies fight for after all? Free love. In my eyes, the meaning of life is to find love. Whether that's in a skill, hobby, person or even a job. If you take that away, that person can not live. You have killed them. And that is a crime. Homophobics to me, are murderers. You take away another person's soul just because it is wrong in your eyes. I can not express how upset that makes me feel.
Life should be filled with love, not hatred. Try opening your eyes. Your beliefs may tell you one thing, but that smile on your best friend's face when she feels accepted will diminish all that.
I also feel that some of this anger is due to the unrequited love I feel for my lesbian best friend. She will never take me in her arms, and frankly it hurts.