On Monday, I learnt that Essex can be lovely. Epping Green especially. But of course, it comes at a price. Driving past a building project, I noticed a sign that said "One bed flat. £185,000." My eyes almost dropped out of my head. With that kind of money, a person could buy my five bedroom student house PLUS my three bedroom house back in Scarborough. Beauty is money down south.

On Wednesday I learnt that the food beefeater serve is very nice and that others share my impatience but can voice it far better than I ever could. I also learnt that the boyfriend's family are just like him, hilarious and incredibly loveable. I learnt that Primark cashiers in Harlow have very little common sense, for flirting with me and then asking if my boyfriend was my dad. Why flirt in front of a girl if you think her dad is stood next to her, and why do so with a girl who you've just suggested must be very young. I will never understand this. I learnt that almost every person in Harlow looked at me very strangely the moment I began speaking in an accent that wasn't matching to theirs. I also learnt that Truly, the energetic doggy really does like attention, for if you give her none she will lick your face until you do so.

And Friday, the day I write this. Today I learnt that in St Pancras Costa you can buy giant custard creams for £1.35 and they are incredible. I learnt that trying to write on a train is very difficult. I learnt that Japanese old men like to take luggage off the racks and stack them up exactly the same every twenty minutes, simply to pass the time. I learnt that I am weak when it comes to carrying anything. I learnt that I can pretend to be from London with an oyster card. I learnt that I am no longer scared of the underground as long as I get it with someone else (yes, okay, that is cheating.) I also learnt that I met some wonderful people down south and although it has many different elements compared to my beloved Yorkshire, including an accent where everyone sounds like Ray Winstone, I loved my time down here.
Right, off to put the kettle on, to drink a Yorkshire tea. Unfortunately this one has a normal size custard cream included. Darn.