Friday 16 November 2012


This week was my reading week. A precious seven days that university give you in order to catch up on missed work, lecture notes, deadlines, tutorials and of course, reading. But, like 99% of students, I took the opportunity to take a break and run down to Essex to finally see my boyfriend's humble abode. (Before you judge me, because I'm such a nerd I'd already completely my essays and work before hand.) After a whirlwind romance lasting almost four months, I have yet to venture down and see his home town, despite him staying at both my houses. And so, I booked a ridiculously cheap mega train, packed an overfilled bag (which broke just as I stepped onto the tube, damn it) and a pack up full of treats. This is what I learnt.

On Monday, I learnt that Essex can be lovely. Epping Green especially. But of course, it comes at a price. Driving past a building project, I noticed a sign that said "One bed flat. £185,000." My eyes almost dropped out of my head. With that kind of money, a person could buy my five bedroom student house PLUS my three bedroom house back in Scarborough. Beauty is money down south.

On Tuesday, I learnt that my hair looks phenomenal when it is curled at the end. And that a certain London restaurant serve some wonderful Italian food. I learnt that Wicked is just as brilliant as it is hyped up to be. I also learnt that I'm incredibly lucky to have the boyfriend I do, for he surprised me with all these things, even after I refused to venture out due to a wardrobe crisis. You girls reading this will understand my dilemma in that area. No shoes to match my dress. Scandalous. Annnnnyway, I digress. It was one of those perfect days where you feel grateful for the people you have in your life and the happiness you feel.

On Wednesday I learnt that the food beefeater serve is very nice and that others share my impatience but can voice it far better than I ever could. I also learnt that the boyfriend's family are just like him, hilarious and incredibly loveable. I learnt that Primark cashiers in Harlow have very little common sense, for flirting with me and then asking if my boyfriend was my dad. Why flirt in front of a girl if you think her dad is stood next to her, and why do so with a girl who you've just suggested must be very young. I will never understand this. I learnt that almost every person in Harlow looked at me very strangely the moment I began speaking in an accent that wasn't matching to theirs. I also learnt that Truly, the energetic doggy really does like attention, for if you give her none she will lick your face until you do so.

Thursday was my most educational day. I learnt that King Du deserves the reputation it has. I was presented with the most humongous plate of noodles, Chinese leaves, pork, carrot, chicken and endless other things. It was delicious and one of the cheapest Chinese meals I've ever bought. I also learnt that after seven years, I can still play golf fairly well, even if I only used a 7 iron due to height issues and always curved to the left. I think I may have to pick up my old clubs and give it a good go again. I also learnt that approval of friends is vital to fitting in with group. This, I hope I achieved.

And Friday, the day I write this. Today I learnt that in St Pancras Costa you can buy giant custard creams for £1.35 and they are incredible. I learnt that trying to write on a train is very difficult. I learnt that Japanese old men like to take luggage off the racks and stack them up exactly the same every twenty minutes, simply to pass the time. I learnt that I am weak when it comes to carrying anything. I learnt that I can pretend to be from London with an oyster card. I learnt that I am no longer scared of the underground as long as I get it with someone else (yes, okay, that is cheating.) I also learnt that I met some wonderful people down south and although it has many different elements compared to my beloved Yorkshire, including an accent where everyone sounds like Ray Winstone, I loved my time down here.

Right, off to put the kettle on, to drink a Yorkshire tea. Unfortunately this one has a normal size custard cream included. Darn.

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