Tuesday 6 November 2012


And now, for something completely different. An update as it were. Instead of rambling though, I feel photos will do it justice. And so, here goes.

I finished my summer working at Babylon. Yes, I did gain back my sleeping pattern. I haven't stayed up later than 2am since my last shift. But I miss everyone immensely. I do still listen out for when anyone mentions the crazy drunken night they had there and brag that I was once, a crew 90's member. And occasionally I still run in and hug everyone. To all those I met, you are wonderful. To those who hired me, thank you for the best, if most tiring summer of work ever. And to everyone I ever served, grumpy or otherwise, I hope that I made your night enjoyable. I will always be a Crew 90's member, at least until the doormen force me out of the building. 

Coincidentally, as well as the summer ending, so my second year at Sheffield Hallam began. I got back my best friend, Charmaine, who abandoned me to go back home for the summer. I realised how much I love studying and that essays are actually a good thing, especially the satisfaction of printing it out and handing it in to floor 11. I learnt my housemates are beautiful people, inside and out. And I learnt that no matter how close I live, 3 KFC's in one week is just too much for my belly to handle.

I rekindled my acting light with Duck Stranglers Part II. I rejoined the master group, this time with photo evidence, to act out the play I worked so hard on in the summer. I reminisced with Rob, Bill, Kyle, Maddie, Kyle, Neil and of course, John Godber and felt the thrill of a crowd watching every word I say. I reminded myself that I want to do this forever.

I got a new job at The Botanical pub. Back to pulling pints the old fashioned Yorkshire way. I also was given the task of decorating for Halloween, which I did with great enthusiasm. I also covered myself in fake blood for the night, which was fun. This however stained my face and I had to appear at university the next day with a dribble on red coming from my mouth and two very pink cheeks. Not so fun.

I also took Char to see Benjamin Francis Leftwich for her early 21st. She loved it and I became converted. He's very down to earth, honest and charming and his live band were incredible. I felt so alive stood there watching him, even more so when he unplugged and whispered his song to a singing crowd. A beautiful moment and a wonderful guy.

I also learnt how to make a vegan cake. Introducing the Ooey Goeey extravanganza. With not a single trace of butter, eggs or chocolate, it was the nicest thing I've ever eaten and has inspired a hand written Vegan Book of Love, which is currently in production from myself and Charmaine. Yes, its true.

I also learnt how to be funny. This includes laughing at myself a lot, moaning about life and dressing up as a ten pound note in the student union.

I was reunited several times with Liam. He convinced me to try Nando's for the first time, ever. I am now an addict, card stamped and everything. No words needed to describe this moment. I'm very very happy.

And so I conclude, my life is random. But I wouldn't change it for the world.

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